Ability test
How do you determine if the candidate can handle the complexity of the job? The intellectual abilities of your employees play an important role in the successful completion of the job.
The ability test of Zyvo lets you gain insight in the intellectual aspects that play an important role in performing well in a job. When a candidate potentially has the right competencies but he/she is unable to make the right decisions because the work or the environmental factors are too complex, he/she will eventually not show the desired behaviour at the right time, and therefore fail.
Why Zyvo?
Easy to install and ready to use
Link to your own competencies
Reports in your look & feel
Validated by University of Twente
You can use ability tests for:
Depending on the position, there will be a combination of ability tests deployed in order to get a good idea of the intellectual abilities of the candidate. The ability tests can be taken after secondary education. During the development of the ability test, the applicability of people with different cultural backgrounds has been taken into account.
Custom advice?
For more information and custom advice, call us on 088-166 0 500. Or make an appointment for a personal chat.