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Ask sharp questions

Go into depth during a job interview

There is often not enough depth in an average job interview. The interview often does not go beyond 'strengths and weaknesses'. And naturally every applicant is optimistic but are these really his/her strength and weaknesses? Where is the proof and what should you focus on during the follow-up interview? In other words, an interviewer requires more ammunition to fire.

To determine if the applicant will meet the expectations of your organisation, you will have to go into depth during the selection interview. Only by asking very targeted and sharp questions you will get a good picture of the competencies of the applicant. The results of the online selection assessment of Zyvo serve as basis for the selection interview. With this you enter the job interview with focus.can pick the right candidate!

What type of person is the applicant? Ask specific questions about the skills, attitude, personal characteristics and communication style of the candidate. Get a complete picture because only this way you

Why Zyvo? Selection Assessment

  • Easy in use

  • Link to your own competencies

  • Reports in your look & feel

  • Validated by University of Twente

Custom advice?

For more information and custom advice, call us on 088-166 0 500. Or make an appointment for a personal chat.

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